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Chiemsee Inseln
Segeln am Chiemsee

Islands and Chiemsee Schifffahrt

Passenger Boats

For the last 160 years the Chiemsee-Schifffahrt has been connecting people to and from the islands of Lake Chiemsee. The first Steam-boat was built out of wood and to the 14 modern and well equipped passenger boats that make the crossing today, it is incomparable. People still remember from earlier times the famous “Ludwig Feßler”, the flagship of the fleet. With the capacity of the ships combined, there are now a total of 4,000 seats available for guests.

365 days service from the ports Prien/Stock and Gstadt to Frauenchiemsee and Herrenchiemsee islands and in the summer around the whole lake.

➔ Chiemsee Schifffahrt